Hosted Phone System in Memphis

A hosted phone system through ADAN Tech is designed to take your business to new levels. A hosted phone system is a sophisticated off-site solution that allows employees more freedom of mobility while minimizing your business equipment costs. Benefits include increased productivity, collaboration, regular support, monitored security, and plenty of additional features that connect all aspects of your business anywhere and on any device.

Installation is quick, simple and more affordable than a traditional phone service. Hardware maintenance and system management are left to the professionals allowing your business to focus on what’s important.

Worried about call quality and reliability?
Modern internet connectivity for hosted systems is now comparable to a traditional on-site system, and you can benefit from the generous cost savings and peace of mind knowing your system is regularly monitored and secured.

Want to know if a hosted phone system is right for your business? Contact us today to speak with one of our consultants. ADAN is located in the heart of Memphis and is a leading provider of hosted phone systems in the Mid-South.